Reimagining Rural Drinking Water

People in small or rural communities know this lifestyle has some incredible perks. We get to enjoy cleaner air, spacious lands, and a respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. But while there are many benefits to living away from dense population centers, there are also some considerable drawbacks. One of the biggest challenges uniting communities across the country is regarding our most basic human need: where we get our drinking water.
Some people in the city may not think twice about where their drinking water comes from. They turn on the tap and trust it’s safe, tested, and regularly monitored. For those of us in less densely populated areas, we can’t take a stable source of clean hydration for granted.
When you live remotely, your life can revolve around a tangle of water quality tests, a lack of updates to infrastructure, and a mess of plastic bottles or jugs that you need for daily hydration. A lack of access to clean water is one of the biggest barriers to living in certain places, but it doesn’t have to be.
Thankfully for homeowners in rural areas, a technological solution on the market can help bypass existing and impending threats to local water resources. SOURCE® Hydropanel® is a forward-thinking, sustainable water system that enables remote communities worldwide to streamline how they access safe, potable drinking water. It’s a piece of excellent American engineering that, when deployed to homes and communities, to remote residents, solves many of the water challenges we regularly face living where we do.
Troubled Waters
Problems with your drinking water can be a constant headache that has the power to massively disrupt your daily life when you live in a smaller community. As is the case in many places all over the country, contaminants might pervade local water, or the water is simply not tested frequently enough to give you peace of mind while consuming it or giving it to your family. At the same time, small municipal utilities work hard to provide service to residents, but aging infrastructure compounds existing problems with water resources, such as contamination via heavy metals. These problems leave people having to navigate by themselves how to get safe water for their household, forcing folks to buy advanced filtration systems, conduct tests, or purchase and transport heavy gallons of water bottled in plastic.
Even if you’re fortunate enough to have your own private well on your property, that groundwater source can come with unique challenges when using that water for drinking or cooking. Private wells can run dry and are particularly vulnerable to specific types of contamination–such as bacterial spread from local agricultural runoff. Then, they require monitoring and maintenance, which can be costly, confusing, or time-consuming.
All of these concerns about just having safe drinking water are a hassle, to say the least. They also create uncertainty about the long-term sustainability of your residence, which can be extremely anxiety-inducing for a homeowner or family. But whether your drinking water troubles are individual to your property or systemic within your area, this shared problem invites you to reimagine where and how you get your source of hydration. Thanks to significant advancements in solar energy and water capture technology, there is a more reliable and sustainable way to solve water woes that come with living outside metropolitan areas.
Independent & Off-Grid: Hydropanel for Remote Homes
If there’s one thing many communities in America’s interior enjoy constant access to, it’s a wide-open sky and abundant sunlight. Why not put it to use collecting your hydration? Solar water capture via SOURCE Hydropanel is a smart and simplified way for Americans to harness the renewable power of the sun and collect their daily intake of fresh drinking water.
Instead of spending the gas money to truck in your own water or worrying about your well water quality, you can enjoy an independent, sustainable water system that doesn’t require electrical hookups or any external sources–meaning you can install it virtually anywhere you live. Whether your primary residence is located in a contaminated watershed or you have an off-grid vacation rental that needs a more consistent supply of drinking water, SOURCE is scalable and deployable in a way that immediately relieves folks of the burden of troubleshooting their water problems.
It’s not rainwater collected with SOURCE, either. Hydropanel technology captures water vapor in the air, pure the moment it enters the system. From there, it’s mineralized for your health and enjoyment. Then, it’s stored until dispensed from your fridge or a tap on your sink.
Switching to SOURCE is simple, regardless of how remote your mailing address is. When you order Hydropanel for your home, SOURCE works with you to choose a time for your one-day installation, and we’ll also determine the best angle and location for your system. Once placed on your roof or property, you can enjoy an entirely independent drinking water resource that you wholly own.
You can still use your well or municipal supply of water for everything other than drinking or cooking, and know that you’re not dipping into the reserve you use for plumbing, gardening, or your home’s other water needs. All the water you consume comes directly from the infinitely renewable and pure water in the air. And with rising bottled water and fuel prices, you’ll save money in the long run and minimize your need to buy or transport water in plastic jugs.
Suppose you love living where you do but are tired of navigating stress around your drinking water or want to invest in a more resilient future for your household. Hydropanel helps Americans spend less time worrying about their drinking water in the short- and long-term and more time enjoying their homes, lives, and families in the present. Learn more about the technology, see FAQs, or order the sleek Hydropanel for homes at the SOURCE website.