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Reserve Your Hydropanel Today

Renewable water for your home.


For perfect water

180 Bottles

For you


For good

Cómo funciona

SOURCE® Hydropanels™ hace de lo "imposible" una realidad. Utilizan la energía del sol para convertir el vapor de agua del aire en agua limpia, segura y de calidad para usted y su familia, sin electricidad de la red ni infraestructura adicional.

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Solar energy powers your hydropanel completely

Fans draw in ambient air and push it through a hygroscopic—water-absorbing—material that traps water vapor from the air

The water vapor is extracted and condenses into liquid water that is sent to a pressurized tank in your home

Drinkable water is dispensed straight from your designated tap or refrigerator

Frequently Asked Questions

This depends on how many people are living in the household and their drinking water consumption. Each Hydropanel will produce approximately 180 standard bottles of water per month. We recommend at least one panel for every two people living in the home.

Hydropanels are installed by our professional installation team or one of our certified partners.

SOURCE Hydropanels are recommended for locations without a prolonged freeze.  When temperatures reach freezing, SOURCE Hydropanels enter hibernation mode and do not produce water.

  • Hydropanels are 2.4m long x 1.2m wide x 1.13m tall when mounted at 45 degrees.

SOURCE has a two step water production process that keeps any pollution in the air from getting into your water. First, the built-in air filter keeps particulates and other debris from finding their way into the Hydropanel. Second, because our patented material only attracts water molecules, the water produced is pure – similar to distilled – leaving anything else in the air behind.

SOURCE Hydropanels are low maintenance. Like any standard appliance, Hydropanels require periodic filter and cartridge changes based on use.

The lifespan of SOURCE Hydropanels depend on how they are maintained and the weather conditions in which they are located.


We're on a mission to perfect drinking water for every person, every place. Our sustainable water technologies create drinkable supplies in homes, schools, cities, remote villages and everywhere in-between. See how SOURCE can make water for you—wherever you are.

Tome el control de su fuente de agua

Hemos creado soluciones personalizadas para necesidades hídricas en más de 50 países. Resolvamos la suya.

Hydropanel Production Tool

Hydropanel water production tool

For an accurate per Hydropanel production value in your area, please enter your zip code below.

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Hydropanel General Installation Requirements:

  • Roof mounted hydropanels must be at least 3 feet (1 meter) away from the edge of any structure.
  • Adequate structural integrity of the roof is required. Do not install on a roof that is damaged or otherwise insufficient to hold the weight and wind loads of the hydropanel.
  • Consider whether there is space for a crane to set up and lift the hydropanels to their mounting location.
  • Ground locations should be firm, level, and evenly composed. The hydropanel can be placed on blocks, concrete, or mounted to lumber to provide a stable base to sit on.
  • Consider factors like soil composition, and how to manage erosion or plant growth over time.
  • Avoid installing the hydropanel where they may be wetted from irrigation sprinklers.
  • Ensure the hydropanel is raised above the specified flood plain.
  • Hydropanel should be anchored to the ground or sufficiently ballasted to prevent movement or damage from high winds.

Hydropanel General Installation Requirements:

  • Sunny mounting location – The SOURCE Hydropanel works best in full sun. Unobstructed sunlight required at least 5 hours per day. Avoid placing under shading objects such as trees, buildings, etc.
  • 4 x 6 foot (1.2 x 1.8 meters) mounting area per Hydropanel.
  • Minimum clearance of 1ft (30cm) in front of and behind the panels to allow access for service.
  • Minimum 3 inches (8 cm) between hydropanels from side to side within an array.
  • SOURCE Hydropanels must be installed at least 15 feet (5 meters) away from windows and should be positioned considering hydropanel sound with respect to living spaces.
  • SOURCE Hydropanels must be level from side-to-side with a maximum deviation of 20mm.
  • Hydropanel must be South Facing (180°) for locations in the Northern Hemisphere, or North facing (0°) for locations in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • The installation surface must be level. For example, a flat roof, or level ground.

Roof Mount Requirements:

  • Roof mounted hydropanels must be at least 3 feet (1 meter) away from the edge of any structure.
  • Adequate structural integrity of the roof is required. Do not install on a roof that is damaged or otherwise insufficient to hold the weight and wind loads of the hydropanel.
  • Consider whether there is space for a crane to set up and lift the hydropanels to their mounting location.

Ground Mount Requirements:

  • Ground locations should be firm, level, and evenly composed. The hydropanel can be placed on blocks, concrete, or mounted to lumber to provide a stable base to sit on.
  • Consider factors like soil composition, and how to manage erosion or plant growth over time.
  • Avoid installing the hydropanel where they may be wetted from irrigation sprinklers.
  • Ensure the hydropanel is raised above the specified flood plain.
  • Hydropanel should be anchored to the ground or sufficiently ballasted to prevent movement or damage from high winds.

Hydropanel Calculator

The amount of water you consume will determine how many panels you’ll need and the size of tanks we recommend. Use our calculator below for our panel and tank recommendation.

Each panel produces on average 180 bottles per month (16.9 oz bottles). For a more accurate estimation based on your location use this tool.
